Sunday, September 9, 2012


By: Max Lucado
I know I have mentioned before in my reviews that I love reading Max Lucado’s books. I have not changed my mind! Grace; More than we Deserve, Greater than we Imagine, by Max Lucado is one of my new favorites by him. It is one of the most simple yet profound book I have read. I was able to read it in two days, but could have sat on the couch and red the whole thing from start to finish had I not had other priorities. It read that well.
Max Lucado takes the time to explain Grace. Not just Grace for the moment, but Grace for a lifetime. With each chapter, Lucado gives a real life story that gives you a picture of what he is speaking about, something you can relate to or have heard in the news or from a friend. Stories that provide you with examples of Grace, God’s Grace.
Lucado has a way with words. He always has and that hasn’t changed. There is something about the way Lucado writes that draws you in from the first page and makes you want to keep reading.
Do you need to be reminded of God’s Grace for your life? Do you need to be reminded of how much God Loves You? This is a wonderful book to read for that very purpose.
Thank you Booksneeze for the opportunity to be filled with Grace.

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