The Wedding Dress
By: Rachel Hauck
I loved The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck and did not want to put it down! Unfortunately, I had to work so reading it straight through was not an option.
Charlotte is the owner of a bridal shop who is engaged to be married after knowing her fiancé, Tim, for about two months. She is unsure of a lot of things and simply goes up the mountain to think. Unfortunately there is an auction going on and she gets roped into seeing one of the items, actually she gets swarmed and is unable to get away. She ends up bidding on an old trunk from 1912 without even really realizing what she is doing. When the trunk is delivered she has no idea what to do with it or even how to get into it because it is welded shut. Besides this, her fiancé is not too happy with her frivolous purchase.
The story begins to unfold when she is finally able to get the trunk open and finds a perfect wedding dress dated to 1912. With nothing but a satchel in the trunk she wonders where it came from as well as the story behind this unusually well preserved dress. Charlotte and her friend Dixie, along with Tim, now her ex- fiancé, follow the clues to find the hidden message behind the dress. In the end, Charlotte finds love in more ways than one.
I am definitely a sucker for love stories but the way that Hauck wrote this book and intertwined the history of the dress from 1912 to present day is wonderful. Like I said I did not want to put the book down and I was excited to see the how all the pieces of the puzzle came together.
I received a copy of this book from Booksneeze for my honest thoughts.
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