Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I Exalt You, O God!

I Exalt You, O God: Encountering His Greatness in Your Private Worship
I Exalt You, O God
By: Jerry Bridges
I Exalt You, O God, by Jerry Bridges is a devotional type book that is great for rookie and veteran Christians of any age and place in their walk with the Lord.
The book is broken into three parts. Part One is “For your Greatness, O God, I Exalt You”. This part of the book talks about the Lord’s greatness; greater than the nations, greater than nature, infinitely great, etc. It is a section of the book that really helps the reader capture God’s greatness and majesty. Part two is “For your Holiness, O God, I Exact You”. This part of the book talks about God’s holiness; his perfection, purity, luster, brilliance, mercy, etc. This part of the book helps the reader delve into the Holiness of God and really take some time to reflect on what God has done for them. Part three is “For your Wisdom, O God, I Exalt You”. This part talks about how God has orchestrated everything and He simply wants our trust. Part four is “For your Love, O Lord, I Exalt You”. This section focused on God turning his wrath aside for me, and you, because He Loves.
Each Day there is a new reading, for 31total days. A great month long devotional. The devotionals are easy to read through. As a reader, you can combine one day with additional readings from the Bible, or journal writing to reflect on each reading. Or, you can simply read the book straight through.
I enjoyed Jerry Bridges’ writing, and I am looking forward to the next book I just purchased by him! Thank you Waterbrook Multnomah’s Blogging for Books Program for a copy of this book!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Song of the Brokenhearted

Song of the Brokenhearted
By: Sheila Walsh and Cindy Coloma

Song of the Brokenhearted by Sheila Walsh and Cindy Coloma was a very good read. Since I have personally been dealing with a broken heart in many areas of my life I was looking forward to reading this book. It has helped me to read books that deal with brokenness during my times of trial as a way to keep the promises of the Lord close to my heart.
Ava, appears to have it all together. She has a loving husband with a good job, a daughter about to get married, a son who she has a great relationship with, and an outreach she leads for those who have had a difficult time. Little does she know, she is the one who will need the most help.
Ava is always the one encouraging others to pray and seek the Lord, but as her life starts to fall apart in different ways, she finds others leading her to the Lord through prayer and their grace towards her.
The book flowed really well, and it was easy to read and get into the plot. I have read several other books by Sheila Walsh and have found them to have a similar flow.
Thank you Booksneeze for the opportunity to read this book!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Awesome Target Deal!

Well, I am sure you can see the fun red Clearance stickers, but check out this deal I scored today!

I have gotten 2 coupons at checkout now that are $3.00 of $20.00 in cosmetics, skin care, or hair care. I posted about one previously, and had to post another! :)

So the Jif, was on sale and I had a coupon...that was just a fun extra. I bought the Pantene full price ($3.79) and everything else on clearance. The three lipglosses were $2.47 and I had 3 $1.00 coupons to use. The two cover girl products totaled about $5.50 and I had a manufacturer and a Target coupon that totaled $5.00 off!

Grand total for all of the above: $8.29!!! Pretty awesome stuff! Love stocking up with coupons! I plan to use the lip glosses as part of birthday gifts...I'm just thinkin'!