I really enjoyed The Baker’s Wife by Erin Healy! It was a good mix of suspense and Christian wisdom that I had not had the opportunity to read before. It was definitely a page turner!
Healy introduces us to Audrey, a woman who is lead by God and who is directed to show compassion to others by God. When she does not show follow him completely her life takes a turn. We are introduced to Diane who is just leaving prison after 25 years and has a story of her own. She is in search of one thing and ends up finding much, much, more. Jack is a man who is deeply troubled, yet he thinks he is following God’s leading. However, when an accident occurs he looks everywhere but to the One who can truly give him peace and save him.
As I said, this book was a page turner for me! I really enjoyed thinking through this book as I was reading it. I tried to figure out what was going to happen next or what the outcome might be of something happening as I was reading. In my opinion, that is what makes a great book! I look forward to reading many more stories by Erin Healy. She captured my attention right from the beginning and kept it to the end!
I received this copy of The Baker’s Wife from Booksneeze. I did not receive compensation for my thoughts.