Thursday, July 28, 2011


For those of you who know me and those of you who don't I have many things going on in my life right now. Some are good, some are bad and I would like to share them with you now:

1. My husband has an opportunity to go to D.C. to interview with the FBI...he is one of over a hundred, but I know he will do great! :)
2. I have been learning how to coupon and getting some AMAZING deals! :)
3. I will be starting some new doctor said it might make me very moody, depressed, and all that jazz....but she is confident it will work! :)
4. I have to go back to school this fall...but...I found out that I will be at Clyde Cox Elementary (not too far away...but further than Elizondo was-but get this...on the way home I can stop at the cheap gas station if I need gas and the Commissary is close by in case I need to make a trip!) The good thing about the school I am located at is that I will be first grade. Looking forward to that.
5. I am not sure I want to continue personal training, so we will see how it goes with the new job before I make any decisions.

Thanks as always for the prayers! I am so very blessed.

My First "Law" Read-Pretty Good!

Water's Edge

Water's Edge

By: Robert Whitlow

I generally do not purchase for myself books that are written about law, even though I enjoy watching TV shows about it. However, I was interested in Water’s Edge by Robert Whitlow.

I was quickly brought into the book by the character Tom Crane who had everything going for him. Whitlow did a great job making this character’s life seem perfect in every way only to have it quickly torn apart in more ways than one. The book slowed down for a bit after the initial set up was given and once Tom Crane got to his hometown city of Bethel. It was difficult for me to get excited about the book. It seemed to go without any sort of climax. However, the last 100 pages I was very interested in as the book certainly did reach a climax and gave you a definite turn of events. Some of the events in the book were slightly predictable, however, all in all, it was a good read.

I would be interested to read more books by Robert Whitlow. He did a great job creating his characters and the setting. He made the story understandable for those of us who do not have a background in law. I look forward to reading more books by this author.

I received a copy of Water’s Edge from Booksneeze. I did not receive any compensation for my thought.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Witty and Informational

 Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs

Bad Girls of the Bible

By: Liz Curtis Higgs

I absolutely love the summer months because it gives me the opportunity to read, ReAd, READ! After finishing yet another of my dad’s Kent Family Chronicles, and a library book by my favorite author, my new freebie book arrived, from Blogging for Books (by WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group)….and once again…I like it!

Bad Girls of the Bible, by Liz Curtis Higgs, looks at 10 women from the Bible that we as humans would label “Bad”. I read one other book by Lix Curtis Higgs, Mine is the Night and absolutely loved it. This book has a much different “personality” but is great!

Liz Curtis Higgs takes each woman’s story and begins with a fictional story that we can all relate to. Something that we have either “read before” or have “seen in a movie” or may have “had happen to us”. She wants us to see that these women from the Bible are just like us, but even if they didn’t, we can learn a lesson from them.

After writing a fictional story of each woman, Liz Curtis Higgs then takes the passage from the Bible and breaks it down for us. She lets us in on insights that she has had or that other researchers have thought of. She also uses a quirky way of getting her message across which I found delightfully entertaining! Finally, she talks about lessons we can learn from each “Bad Girl” and some thoughts to consider, which is great for a discussion with a book study or just with friends.

I think I might be finding a new author that I really enjoy! Add that to the list of great things accomplished this summer!

Monday, July 4, 2011

This one was Ok...

God's Love Letters to You

By: Dr. Larry Crabb

God’s Love Letters to You, by Dr. Larry Crabb, is a 40-Day Devotional Experience that allows the reader to have a glimpse into what our Lord may have been saying in the books of the Bible.

Each Letter begins with a verse that “sums up” the book from the Bible. Then, it transitions into a love letter from God. This love letter is to be an intimate conversation between the Lord and You, his child. Each love letter allows you to discover love the way the Lord intended it to be. Following the letter are some questions that really get you thinking. These questions are a guide that can be used in your own daily devotional experience or in a small group study. Finally, each devotional ends with a prayer that allows you to be centered and focused on the meaning behind the love letter.

Dr. Larry Crabb did an excellent job writing each of these love letters. However, I felt that they were all too short and did not give enough biblical context that I thought they would. Because of this, I did not really get into answering the questions thoughtfully and using this as a devotional for myself. I would have liked to see more insight into each love letter, which I think he may have covered more of in his 66 Love Letters Devotional rather than this one.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of God’s Love Letters to You through Book Sneeze. I received no compensation for my thought.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hot Savings!

Because of my new found obsession with Hip2Save, I have scored some awesome deals! But these two were just too great to not share:

Living in Vegas, we are always in need of sunscreen, and Target had a great $2.00 coupon that I was able to pair with a $1.00 manufacturer coupon. So, $3.00 off...but...check out this picture:

So, I knew this was the one to get, especially priced at $11.88 (which was about $1.50 off the regular price for the 2). Now, you can get some pretty amazing people at the checkout lane, and the woman I had was pretty amazing (she definitely made it into my thankfulness journal for the day). I was able to use 2 sets of $3.00 combo coupons, which means my 2 pack of Coppertone only cost me $5.88!!!! SCORE!

Then, Hip2Save posted this awesome deal:

At Walmart, this Dad's Day travel bag and FULL size items was priced at only $7.00. With a $4.00 coupon for a Gillette Razor burning a hole in my pocket, I got the whole thing for only $3.00 (plus tax of course)! SCORE AGAIN!!!!!

So, let's see, what else can I obsess about?!?!?